When you stop smoking or cut down the number of cigarettes you use, you might experience cravings to smoke or unpleasant withdrawal symptoms as your body misses the nicotine it s used to absorbing. This can be a sign that your body is dependent on nicotine.
Nicorette® Inhalator works to relieve cravings and nicotine withdrawal symptoms associated with a dependence on tobacco. It s a form of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) that provides a low level of nicotine to help reduce withdrawal symptoms without any of the tar, carbon monoxide and other chemicals contained in tobacco smoke.
How Nicorette® Inhalator works:
Air is drawn through the inhalator when you inhale with deep or shallow puffs;
The inhalator releases nicotine, which is vaporised;
Nicotine is absorbed through your mouths lining into your body;
The inhalator releases nicotine, which is vaporised;
Nicotine is absorbed through your mouths lining into your body;
Less nicotine is released from a puff on an inhalator than a drag on a cigarette, so it may be necessary to inhale more often than when smoking.
You can also keep your hands busy with Nicorette® Inhalator which can help if you like the feeling of holding a cigarette
You can use Nicorette® Inhalators to completely replace all your cigarettes, to cut down, or to calm cravings at times where you can t or don t want to smoke (such as in smoke-free areas).
If you re aiming to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke, you should use the Inhalator to extend smoke-free periods. If you re aiming to stop smoking immediately, you should replace all cigarette use with the Inhalator and reduce the number of cartridges you use until stopping completely.